Why Don’t We Eliminate 100% of Algae? Smarter Water Quality Management

Ultrasound treatment has proven to be a highly effective and eco-friendly solution for managing algae in aquatic environments. This innovative technology significantly reduces algae concentrations, achieving up to a 90% reduction. While this may not be a complete elimination, it is more than enough to deliver impressive results and maintain a healthy water body.

At LG Sonic, we believe in transparency and education about our technology’s capabilities and benefits. To fully appreciate the benefits, it is important to understand why this partial reduction is, in fact, advantageous for sustaining a balanced ecosystem.

The Ecological Benefits of Controlled Algae Reduction

It is essential to understand that our approach with ultrasound technology is not to completely eradicate all algae from the water body. The reason for this is twofold: firstly, ultrasound is not a disinfection method—it does not kill the algae outright. Secondly, and more importantly, we do not aim to eliminate all algae because a baseline level of algae, particularly diatoms, is actually beneficial to the ecosystem of the water body.

Algae play a critical role in the aquatic food web. For instance, zooplankton, which are a key food source for many fish species, feed on diatoms and other types of algae. A balanced amount of algae supports the entire food chain, from the smallest microorganisms to larger aquatic life.

Zooplankton under microscope

Therefore, completely removing all algae would disrupt this natural balance and potentially harm the aquatic environment. Instead, our focus is on preventing harmful algal blooms.

Algal blooms occur when algae grow excessively, often due to high nutrient levels, and begin to dominate the water body, leading to several negative consequences that ultimately degrade water quality.

Rocks covered in green algae along the edge of a body of water with a reflective surface remind us to heed Water Crisis Alert: Combating Water Scarcity with Innovation.

Algal blooms have detrimental effects on both aquatic plants and animals. Dense algae mats can block sunlight from reaching aquatic plants, disrupting photosynthesis.

They can also alter the water’s pH and oxygen levels, harming fish and other organisms. Additionally, algae can rapidly consume nutrients, leading to ecosystem imbalances and outcompeting other species, which may result in a decline in biodiversity.

A large number of dead fish floating on water with green plants interspersed, likely caused by toxic algal blooms visible from space, indicating an environmental issue.

The Mechanism of Ultrasound Treatment

LG Sonic utilizes low-power ultrasound technology specifically engineered to control harmful algae growth in water bodies. Unlike traditional high-power ultrasound methods that rely on cavitation – creating and collapsing bubbles to produce intense heat and pressure – LG Sonic’s approach employs precisely tuned low-power ultrasonic frequencies. These frequencies disrupt algae at the cellular level by interfering with their buoyancy and photosynthesis.

The ultrasound waves cause vibrations that collapse the gas vesicles within the algae, which are essential for the algae to float and access sunlight. Once these vesicles are compromised, the algae sink and undergo natural decomposition without releasing harmful toxins.

LG Sonic's algae control device deployed in water, showing ultrasound frequencies emitted underwater

A standout feature of LG Sonic’s technology is its “Chameleon Technology™,” which allows the system to automatically adjust the ultrasonic program based on real-time data about the algae species and water conditions. This adaptive approach prevents algae from developing resistance to the ultrasound, ensuring long-term effectiveness.

This process doesn’t kill the algae outright but causes enough disruption to impair their growth and proliferation. By targeting algae blooms, ultrasound helps control their spread, ensuring a healthier aquatic environment.

The low-power ultrasound used in our devices is harmless to fish, plants, people, pets, and zooplankton. This chemical-free water treatment solution preserves the natural balance of aquatic ecosystems, focusing solely on targeting algae and sustainably enhancing water quality.


LG Sonic’s ultrasound technology effectively targets algal blooms. However, some algae will always remain in the water, which is beneficial. The ultrasound technology ensures that algae cannot gain the upper hand again, preventing them from reaching the critical mass needed for a bloom.

In essence, our goal is not to remove all algae from the water. Instead, we aim to restore balance by removing excessive blooms while maintaining a natural, healthy level of algae that supports the aquatic ecosystem. By taking away the competitive advantages that allow harmful algae to dominate, we help sustain a diverse and vibrant aquatic environment without resorting to total elimination.